
The passing playbook by isaac fitzsimons
The passing playbook by isaac fitzsimons

the passing playbook by isaac fitzsimons the passing playbook by isaac fitzsimons

Still, I read a lot of YA novels from US, Canadian, and I think UK? authors-like Both Sides Now by Peyton Thomas, The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons, and The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson-where the trans guy protagonist is stealth in high school. Medical transition is tough to access, environment’s more conservative. Moreover, essentially all schools have gendered uniform policies so wearing the uniform you want is an oft-lost battle. And schools use your full legal name VERY often, from enrolment forms to IDs to tests to labels on your stuff, to rosters, etc. We don’t have legal gender changes, and legal name changes are practically impossible. Being stealth in school here is unheard of regardless of your circumstances.

The passing playbook by isaac fitzsimons