Nadia’s growing relationship with Gray and the frictious relationship she has with her sister and mother give a lot of insight into her character. What looks like a dystopian novel soon turns into a post-apocalyptic sci-fi thriller as Nadia finds out more about where she and her people came from and why they are forced to live within the walls of the village. Now the time has come for another Forgetting, and Nadia is determined to find out more about how the Forgetting works and why her society is so dependent upon the Archives and their leaders. Not about the woman who used to be a loving caring mother but is now just a shell of herself. Not about the father who abandoned her family at the last Forgetting.

Not the way the village officials dictate their every move. Everything that isn’t written down in a person’s book is forgotten as if it never happened. Everything about their neighbors and friends. Nadia lives in a world where every twelve years everyone she knows forgets everything about their lives.